Creative Collective

We are a community of artisans moved by love, bringing it to light and colour for the world to see..

Deborah John
Project Coordinator - Creative

We are empowering Painters, Dancers, Writers, Producers, Actors, Film Makers, Technicians, Stylists, Singers and Musicians, to co-create with God through their unique creative callings. We have been captivated by the overwhelming, all encompassing love of God. It is our desire to share His love with the world.


Art Worship is a significant expression of both worship and the prophetic at Stairway. As a group of Painters, we explore the visual arts as a manifestation of our God-given creativity.

We meet to encourage and inspire one another and we contribute to the Stairway community across Sunday services, Healing Rooms and special events.


Dance is a vibrant part of the creative expression of Stairway. We love to worship through choreographed and spontaneous dance. Dance is more than simply a response to the Lord. It's often used as a prophetic act and we hold workshops regularly to explore this aspect of our worship. We are also called on to create choreographed dance for Sundays and special events to enhance people's encounter with God.


Stairway Writers is a gathering of people who are passionate about expressing their God-given creativity through the written word. An opportunity for wordsmiths to join together for inspiration, skilling and encouragement across a breadth of forms. From poetry to crafted prayers or psalms to novel, and everything in between we celebrate all forms of writing. A place to release the written word into the life of Stairway and beyond, expressing the realities of life, faith and His love.


Stairway Media exists to partner with God's plans and purposes by supporting Stairway's call to be a people of Relentless Love. We are a community of technically skilled creatives who delight in creating atmospheres and spaces where people are drawn into worship and encounter with the Father.

By shaping and sculpting sound, light and vision we serve the church on a weekly basis during our Sunday gatherings. Our heart is that all that we do to serve comes first from a place of deep relationship with God and connection with each other.


Stairway Photography are a group of people who share a love and passion for photography.

We explore and share different ways of capturing images that expresses life, God's love, creation and our own particular passion. There are opportunities to be involved as a Stairway Photographer, using our skill to capture services and events. We invite others who share this joy for expressing creativity from behind the lens to join us.


We are a community of worshippers who delight in God’s Presence and partner with His Kingdom to make His praise glorious! We are looking for passionate and skilled musicians and singers, who are called to release their unique sound of praise, worship and adoration over our community.

Our heart is to radiate His holiness, beauty and justice through our expression of worship and creativity.