
Privacy Policy

Stairway Church Whitehorse Inc. is committed to providing clients with the highest levels of service. This includes protecting their privacy.

From 21 December 2001, we are bound by the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, which set out a number of principles concerning the protection of your personal information.

Following is the information that the Privacy Act requires us to communicate to all of our donors.

Personal Information

Personal information held by Stairway Church may include name, date of birth, current address, telephone/mobile phone number, email address, bank account or credit card details, occupation, denomination, donation history and preference countries or projects for which funds have been nominated to go.

Manner and Purpose of collecting Personal Information

Stairway Church will only collect personal information where it is relevant to one or more of its functions or activities.

Collection of information will be lawful, open and fair.

Stairway Church will, where possible, collect the information directly from the individual concerned.

Stairway Church literature will contain assurances that they will not disclose information to any other organisation without the express permission of individuals.

If Stairway Church intends to use names gathered for more than one purpose, the individual will be given an opportunity to “opt out”.

Solicitation of Personal Information from individual concerned

Stairway Church will use personal information only for the primary purpose for which it was collected, unless the individual has given permission for Stairway Church to use the information in a new way.

When the individual is asked to give their personal details, Stairway Church will make sure that they understand the purpose for which the information is being collected.

If the information will be shared with another section of Stairway Church, or any other body or agency, the individual will be told the details when the information is given, or as soon as Stairway Church is aware of it.

Solicitation of Personal Information generally

Stairway Church will take all reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information collected is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

Stairway Church will take all reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information it holds on record is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

Stairway Church will take all reasonable steps to make sure that the personal affairs of an individual are not intruded upon.

Stairway Church will accept any individual’s choice to remain anonymous when conducting business with Stairway Church.

Storage & Security of Personal Information

Stairway Church will take all reasonable steps to make sure the personal information it holds is secure, and destroy or de-identify personal information if it is no longer needed by Stairway Church.

Whenever it is necessary for an individual’s information to be given to another person or organisation in connection with the provision of a service e.g. a mailing house or printer, Stairway Church will take every reasonable precaution to prevent unauthorised use or disclosure of information contained in the record.

Information in relation records kept by Stairway

Stairway Church will be open about:

(a) The nature of any personal information it holds and

(b) It’s policy on management of personal information

(c) The main purposes for which information is used

(d) The classes of individuals about whom records are kept

(e) The steps that an individual can take to obtain access to their own records.

A Privacy Manager has been appointed to maintain a record setting out:

(a) The nature of the records kept

(b) The purpose for which they are kept

(c) The classes of individuals about whom records are kept

(d) The period for which each type of record is kept

(e) The persons who are entitled to have access to personal information and the circumstances under which they are entitled to have
that access

(f) The steps that should be taken by persons wishing to obtain access to the information held.

The person appointed in the previous clause will:

(a) Make the record available for inspection by members of the public

(b) Give the Commissioner a copy of the record every year, in June.

Alteration of records containing Personal Information

Stairway Church will correct information held about an individual where that individual is able to establish that the information is not accurate, complete and up-to-date.

If an individual is not satisfied with the updates made to the record, Stairway Church will attach to the record any statement provided by that individual of the correction, deletion or addition sought.

Stairway Church does not use identifiers assigned by any Commonwealth agency.

Checking accuracy of Personal Information before use

Stairway Church will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information used is accurate, up to date and complete.

Stairway Church recommends that clients let us know if there are any errors in their personal information; and help Stairway Church up to date with changes to personal information such as your name, address or credit card details.

Personal Information to be used only for relevant purposes

Stairway Church will not transfer any personal information held by Stairway Church in Australia about an individual to anyone (other than Stairway Church or the individual) in a foreign country.

Stairway Church will not use the information except for a purpose to which the information is relevant.

Limits on use of Personal Information

Information obtained for a particular purpose will not be used for any other purpose unless:

(a) The individual has consented to use of the information for that other purpose.

(b) The purpose for which the information is used is directly related to the purpose for which the information was obtained.

(c) It is used for enforcement of the criminal law or of a law imposing a pecuniary penalty, or for the protection of the public revenue, in which case a record containing the relevant information will be attached to the individual’s record.

(d) The only sensitive information which Stairway Church holds on individuals is their denomination and nationality of birth. This information is only held if the individual has supplied Stairway Church with that information. The information will be removed immediately on request from any individual.

Limits on disclosure

Subject to any Privacy Legislation or relevant code of practice applicable, Stairway Church may disclose any confidential information you give to Stairway Church to

(a) Any related bodies corporate of Stairway Church.

(b) Stairway Church’s auditors and professional advisers

(c) Any assignee or potential assignee of Stairway Church

(d) Any person to whom Stairway Church is required or not prohibited by law to do so

(e) Any official or authority that gives Stairway Church an order or request for that information.

Access to Personal Information

Donors and Supporters have a right to access personal information, subject to some exceptions allowed by law and may be required to put that request in writing for security reasons.

Stairway Church reserves the right to charge a nominal fee for searching for and providing access to your information.

Grievance resolution & Inquiry Structure

At Stairway, we are a community that wants the love of the Father to permeate all that we are and everything we do—living in echad (unity) with one another.. 

We want to ensure our community is a safe environment that is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination; but in the case of someone having a grievance, please talk to the person in question directly (in love and forgiveness & truth). We also have a framework and procedure to handle the situation. If you would like more information, please contact us.