School of Formation

  • “The greatest issue facing the world today, with all its heartbreaking needs, is whether those who are identified as Christians will become disciples - students, apprentices, practitioners of Jesus Christ, steadily learning from him how to live the life of the Kingdom of the heavens into every corner of existence.”

    Dallas Willard

What is the School of Formation?

The School of Formation is a 9-month facilitated opportunity designed for those who have been following Christ for a number of years and are feeling a hunger for more and a stirring for a deep inner work. It involves a weekly commitment on Wednesday evenings and an additional 1 - 2 hours per week for reading and reflection.

What is Spiritual Formation?

Stairway, along with many churches around the Western world, has realised a somewhat urgent need in the church today—that of formation into Christlikeness. Also referred to as Spiritual Formation, this is the process that the Holy Spirit quickens in us to reshape our inner life so that it reflects the inner dimensions of Jesus Himself. His heart. His peace. His joy. In short it's the process of being transformed from the inside out. 

Whilst there is much to celebrate in the church over the last century, it has been consistently identified that discipleship; following and becoming like Jesus, has been stunted. In the absence of a concentrated effort and focus on formation, our culture has done a better job at forming us; shaping our attitudes, beliefs, behaviours, expectations and worldview.  The consequences of this can not be overestimated and represents one of the biggest challenges in our post-Christian western culture. 

The Church is once again hearing the call to cultivate a community of people who are wholeheartedly committed to following Jesus and becoming like Him. This is not a works-based construct; it is not about head knowledge, and it’s definitely not about rules and expectations or looking like ‘a good Christian.’

The School of Formation is designed for people from Stairway who want to go deeper and be equipped to pursue a lifestyle of transformation. Please note this does not imply that those who do not participate in the School of Formation are not serious about their faith or intimacy with Christ. This is purely an offering for those who are looking for a direct and niche opportunity in this area and sense the timing and opportunity is right.

It is purely about the deeply personal and intimate reality of encountering Jesus at the depths of our being and being transformed by Him—into His likeness—for our freedom, His glory and for the sake of others.

Who is the School of Formation for?

The School of Formation is specifically for those who:

  • Have an established faith and have been following Christ for a number of years

  • Are finding God and life capturing their attention in a new way; there is a restlessness, intrigue and stirring

  • Are sensing an invitation to a deeper surrender

  • Are hungry for more and ready to commit to a process

  • Are teachable and willing to learn

  • Call Stairway their church home

  • Are committed and able to prioritise Wednesday nights from 29th Jan - 3rd Dec 2025 (excluding school holidays)

Who is the School of Formation not for?

The School of Formation is not an appropriate opportunity for people who:

  • Are new to faith and are in the exciting early phases of faith

  • Are not yet ready or in a position for a vulnerable and deep internal work*

  • Are looking for a way to connect into the church and community (there are other opportunities for this)

  • Are considering the School of Formation as a substitute for counselling

  • Don't have the time or flexibility to commit to weekly meetings and extra readings

  • Are not yet sensing the Holy Spirit's direct invitation to participate

*It is important to note that within the School, we explore our inner world. This focus can expose some deep and vulnerable realities. Consequently, for anyone interested, we would want to ensure they are in an emotional and spiritual position to engage on this deeper journey. If you know you have unprocessed trauma, we would not recommend this as your next step. For more information, see FAQ ‘why is there a criteria and an application process?’

  • “Spiritual Formation is the careful attentiveness to the work of God, our master sculptor, as we submit to the gradual chipping away of all that is not of God, transforming our life and character until it reflects the life and character of Jesus Christ Himself.”

    Henri Nouwen

What does it involve?

The School of Formation will run weekly during school terms and operate on a fortnightly rhythm of all-in classes and Tribes (made up of people within the class). There are 5 components to the School;


Formation Classes

Fortnightly classes will be held at Stairway and are designed to work through a set curriculum. The format will enable participants to engage deeply in the content in a teaching and dialogue context. Formation classes will run on Wednesday evenings, 7:00 - 9:30, from the 29th of Jan 2025 (during school terms).  


Tribe Gatherings 

On alternate weeks, Tribes (5-8 people) will meet in homes. These gatherings will be a facilitated time to personally unpack, process and be encouraged in community.


Set Readings

There will be set books and readings throughout the 9 months (requiring roughly up to 2-3 hours of reading per week).


Reflection Papers

Tailor-made reflections designed to expand knowledge, deepen learning and shape the lives of the participants (one paper per term).


Mid Year Retreat

A retreat designed to solidify learning, strengthen relationships and deepen the work of the Spirit. Proposed date Fri 27th - Sat 28th June..

What does it cost?

The School of Formation costs $750. The price covers all the materials, books, guest speakers, retreat and other course costs. In addition, it helps participants to buy into the school and experience a sense of ownership.


An application process is detailed at the end of the FAQ section, with applications opening on October 27th and closing on November 24th.

For more information or queries, please contact us by clicking on the button below.


  • The curriculum is designed to lift the lid on the inner life and explore the ways in which the Holy Spirit activates the life of Jesus in our innermost depths. Whilst this does include learning key theological concepts, it is primarily a journey of the heart and the soul. Whilst you will engage in a teaching and dialogue format, you will also experientially learn in the context of community and through engagement with various practices. You can expect to leave with a clear understanding of what Spiritual Formation is, a framework to help you navigate your own personal journey and a deeper, lived understanding of how the Holy Spirit seeks to rebuild and transform. A sample curriculum and syllabus can be provided upon request—email us here.

  • We are looking for people who feel led by the Holy Spirit to participate in this opportunity and are committed to an intentional formation journey. They will need to be able to prioritise the meetings and follow through on the readings and written reflections. You would need to be open and honest about your faith and life and committed to journeying together in community. Whilst there are no set ‘achievements,’ we would expect participants to come with a humble, teachable and hungry spirit and prioritise their participation in the School of Formation and following through on the assigned readings and reflections.  

    Having said this we acknowledge that life happens and for various valid reasons people will need to miss a class or small group gathering. To preserve the dynamic of the group and enhance your learning experience we advise not missing more than one class or small group gathering per term (two weeks).

  • This initiative is about orienting Stairway as a Church around Spiritual Formation, centring what we do together as a community around the person of Jesus Christ, and equipping each other to be transformed by Him. There may be scope to broaden this offering in the future – but for now, this is a call for Stairway to go deeper together as a community.

  • Any healthy church will have a mix of people at different parts of the discipleship journey. There are several phases to our faith development, each of which is equally important. For many decades, the church has focussed on offerings for those new to faith and then generalised offerings onwards. Whilst this was and still is important, churches have been prone to leave those who have been following Christ for a long time and have matured in their faith to their own leading and initiative. Whilst it is vital we still offer ministry for those new to faith and seeking other areas for discipleship growth, we want to provide a concentrated opportunity for those who are hankering for more and feeling the call to go deeper in their surrender to life with Christ.

    The criteria and application process are designed to help you - and us - discern if this is the right timing and opportunity for you.  

    1. The application process is designed for you to know for yourself your own journey and desires in this area andwhyyou want to do the School of Formation. There is no wrong answer here. The process is formative, helping you articulate your desires and helping us understand your discipleship journey so far.

    2. The criteria helps you discern if this is the right opportunity and timing for you. A deep dive into Spiritual Formation is not for everyone at every stage. If partaken at the wrong time, it can be counterintuitive for the participant and expose them to vulnerabilities prematurely. The criteria is designed to set you up for the right decision.

  • Sarah Hudson and Dave McHugh oversee the leadership of the initiative, with a team of people overseeing and facilitating the School of Formation. Various staff will participate in the groups, helping lead, facilitate, and provide pastoral oversight to people’s formation journey. We will also seek outside teachers who will bring a unique, complimentary offering where possible.

  • When it comes to Spiritual Formation the smaller the group the better. Having said that, we want to grant as many people who are ready the opportunity. Taking this into account we will cap the size of the group to approximately 40 participants.

  • The cost of the course is designed to cover the costs—resources, materials, books and guest speakers. Stairway is not seeking to make a profit on this.

  • The short answer is that we needed a name and one that was as true to the offering as possible. 

    The long answer stems from the inspiration of  Dallas Willard, a highly respected forerunner in the latest resurgence of Spiritual Formation. Based on Jesus' original great commandment from Matthew 28:18-20—to make disciples and teach people to obey all He taught—Willard always dreamed that churches would become schools of discipleship. Dallas Willard died before he saw this vision become a reality. Now, multiple churches, including Stairway, who have been quickened by this vision are seeking to implement this call. 

    What we like about this name is that it says what it is about—Formation. While also communicating the reality that it requires intentional, deliberate and applied learning. We are conscious that the name ‘school’ may have negative connotations for some. Our heart is to steer away from those while reinforcing learning, education, empowering and equipping.

  • The nature of church life means there will be competing priorities at any given time. We are conscious of the impact this opportunity may have on people. The last thing we want is to create a sense of competition between various ministries throughout the church. What we do want to foster is a sense of obedience and intentionality. Our general recommendation is that you don’t over-commit but go on an intentional process of discernment. Some questions to consider:

    • Do some commitments need to be solidified? 

    • Do some commitments need to be reassessed? 

    • What is He asking you to pick up? 

    • What is it He is asking you to let go of? 

    • What is He doing in you and how can your decision best serve this?

    This process itself is central to any healthy spiritual formation. Your formation is not you doing a ‘School of Formation’ as much as it is you embracing and obeying whatever the Holy Spirit is doing in and through you. We recommend you talk to your ministry leader about the nature of your situation and the potential impact on your current commitment. 

  • First Class: 29th Jan
    Last Class: 3rd Dec

    Break for school holidays
    Retreat: Friday 27 - Sat 28 June

  • “Imagine with me the vision of a Spirit-empowered Church led by spiritual leaders who invite others to learn maturity together in a spiritual community where spiritual friendships practice spiritual conversations that uphold and affirm spiritual transformation for all, ultimately leading to spiritual renewal—making “little Christs” to light up the world with his love—in our lives, communities, and throughout the world.”

    Stephen A. Macchia