
Biblical Justice

Christy McHugh — Our formation to Christlikeness is always for the sake of others. Through the life of Jesus, we see love expressed to the poor, marginalised and oppressed—we see a life laid down for the benefit of others. As followers of Jesus, the natural expression of who we are in Him will result in an active engagement with a broken and hurting world. As a community, Stairway has a rich history of pursuing justice locally, nationally and internationally.

Christy continues our series on Biblical Justice. If we are to truly be transformed into the image of Jesus, towards wholeness, we can not forget the purpose of this is for the sake of others. As Jesus gave himself totally, completely, absolutely, unconditionally for others - so to are we called to be transformed, so that we can be a part of God’s work of redemption in the world around us.

ResourceStudy Guide


A Justice Story


Stories of Justice