
Introduction Part One

Dave McHugh — The Father's desire for us as His followers is that we would be one as we gather around the person of Christ. Unfortunately, we live in a polarised, fragmented and divided world, and this reality can permeate our life together as the Church—working against God's creational intent. Yet, we are called to love, to pursue oneness, and to seek unity.

This series will explore the vision of a community that is one and the postures that are required to stay at the table in the face of relational tension. May we be a community of image-bearers who are truly known by our love for one another as we become a genuine and deep community that gathers around Christ.

Dave kicks off our new series That They May Be One with an overview of what we will dive into over the next couple of months. To partner and participate in Jesus’ prayer for oneness and unity among His church requires that we adopt postures of humility, forgiveness, love and joy.

Resource—Study Guide


Hosting God's Presence


Introduction Part Two