• In Him
    • 29/3/24

    In Him

    Nartarsha Wisewould — Flowing on from the theme of “Abide” in Term 1, Nartarsha delves into the significance of Easter as the crucial moment when connecting into the vine (Jesus) became possible and explore what it is to be In Him.

  • The Resurrection of the Dead
    • 31/3/24

    The Resurrection of the Dead

    Allan Meyer — Join us as we celebrate Resurrection Sunday with Allan Meyer sharing a message on the nature of the Resurrection of the Dead.

  • Hosting the Presence
    • 7/4/24

    Hosting the Presence

    Andrew Gilbert — Andrew leads us in a Power and Presence service. He share on how God is more interested in our availability more than our ability. When we trust in who He is for us we can step away from living for self, and move towards His Presence and power flowing through our lives.

  • Hosting God's Presence
    • 14/4/24

    Hosting God's Presence

    Nartarsha Wisewould with Joel & Ally Dowling — This week Nartarsha has a conversation with Joel and Ally Dowling on Hosting God's presence.

  • Introduction Part One
    • 21/4/24

    Introduction Part One

    Dave McHugh — Dave kicks off our new series That They May Be One with an overview of what we will dive into over the next couple of months. To partner and participate in Jesus’ prayer for oneness and unity among His church requires that we adopt postures of humility, forgiveness, love and joy.

  • Introduction Part Two
    • 28/4/24

    Introduction Part Two

    Christy McHugh — This week Christy continues to give an overview of the theme, focussing on our oneness with one another.

  • Humility
    • 5/5/24


    Sarah Hudson — This week Sarah speaks on the characteristic of Humility in maintaining Oneness. This message unpacks the true meaning behind humility, not as meekness or weakness but as an act of great strength and the end goal of our discipleship.

  • Forgiveness
    • 12/5/24


    Matt Romano — Matt continues our look at the postures required to maintain oneness in community with an exploration of forgiveness. We embrace a "ready-to-forgive" posture, which is by leaning forward in a ready-to-forgive posture even as we lean backward on the already-forgiven status we have received at the cross.

  • Love
    • 19/5/24


    Nartarsha Wisewould — Join us as Nartarsha shares on remaining at the table, in relationship with one another, we need to have a heart posture of love. We cannot do this alone, we must be filled with the love of Jesus. He is the ultimate example of what love looks like, and it is only through experiencing His love that we can truly love one another.

  • Joy
    • 26/5/24


    Anna Joyce — This week Anna takes a look at the final posture of staying at the table - Joy. Joy is important for spiritual transformation, emotional wellbeing and developing a stable identity. Joy is not something that just happens to us, it is the result of living in surrender and intimacy with God and in healthy relationship with others.

  • Conclusion
    • 2/6/24


    Matt Romano with Pete & Lynn McHugh — Matt Romano wraps up our series this week by reviewing the past six weeks. He invites Pete and Lyn McHugh to share their wisdom and experience on oneness and staying at the table to foster the oneness we are all called to.

  • A Justice Story

    A Justice Story

    Dave & Christy McHugh — Dave & Christy start our new For the Sake of Others series by setting the context of biblical justice. They share the history of Stairway pursuing justice and the development and heart of For Goodness Sake.

  • Biblical Justice
    • 16/6/24

    Biblical Justice

    Christy McHugh — Christy continues our series on Biblical Justice. If we are to truly be transformed into the image of Jesus, towards wholeness, we can not forget the purpose of this is for the sake of others. As Jesus gave himself totally, completely, absolutely, unconditionally for others - so to are we called to be transformed, so that we can be a part of God’s work of redemption in the world around us.

  • Stories of Justice
    • 23/6/24

    Stories of Justice

    Maurice Benington — This week Maurice shares a number of stories of Justice highlighting our spiritual formation and biblical justice is for the sake of others, then leading and inviting us to pray for our spiritual prodigals to find their way home.

  • When Love Becomes Justice
    • 30/6/24

    When Love Becomes Justice

    Dave McHugh — Dave wraps up our current series looking at how growing closer to the heart of God is important to love that becomes justice.

  • The Voice of God

    The Voice of God

    Nartarsha Wisewould — This week Nartarsha leads us in our Healing Service focussing on hearing the close, intimate whisper of God's voice.

  • ZOE — Reaching Every Person. Rescuing Every Child
    • 14/7/24

    ZOE — Reaching Every Person. Rescuing Every Child

    Mike & Carol Hart — We had the privilege of having Mike & Carol Hart from Zoe International share the incredible work Zoe is doing in fulfilling their call to Reach Every Person and Rescue Every Child.

  • Captivity or Freedom
    • 21/7/24

    Captivity or Freedom

    Christy McHugh — Join us as Christy gives an introduction to our new series 'Unveiled' followed by an incredible time of Baptisms.

  • Mandate to Difference
    • 28/7/24

    Mandate to Difference

    Sarah Hudson — Sarah extends on last week’s introduction of how we are captives in our modern day Egypt, grounded in the realities of the Exodus story.

  • Idolatry
    • 4/8/24


    Dave McHugh - This week Dave takes a look at Idolatry as misdirected worship—giving the loyalty, affection and attention that belongs to God to something else. Do you live with a “Jesus at the front and idolatry at the back” mentality?

  • From Individualism to Community
    • 11/8/24

    From Individualism to Community

    Matt Romano — This week Matt explores the shallowness of individualism and also presents a compelling alternative vision and intension for us. In a world that increasingly values individualism and self-reliance, the Bible calls us to a countercultural community where love, humility, and mutual support are paramount.

  • Consumerism
    • 18/8/24


    Anna Joyce — Anna continues our Unveiled Series with a look Consumerism and the challenge to live simply. How do we live differently and adopt a biblical view of material wealth? Seek first His kingdom, live generously, and view everything we have as belonging to God.

  • Hurry vs Rest
    • 25/8/24

    Hurry vs Rest

    Christy McHugh — This week Christy invites us to consider the compelling alternative to a hurried life, found in the rest Jesus offers us. A lifestyle of rest, where his yoke frees us from the burdens of expectations, and we are invited to learn from him.

  • Digital Obsession
    • 1/9/24

    Digital Obsession

    Dave McHugh & Matt Romano — Dave and Matt look at how in today’s world, digital technology has become deeply ingrained in our lives, offering both connection and distraction. As followers of Jesus, we must adopt a counter-cultural approach  to our use of technology

  • Let My People Go
    • 8/9/24

    Let My People Go

    Allan Meyer— This week Allan shares how God calls us into freedom in Christ. But there is an enemy who is bent on you not escaping his grasp. We have to choose obedience to the Word of God above all else if we want to walk into His true freedom that He has paid for.

  • Unveiled - Conclusion
    • 15/9/24

    Unveiled - Conclusion

    Dave & Christy McHugh & Sarah Hudson — This week Dave, Christy and Sarah wrap up our series with a look back over the series, sharing what has challenged them and also looking forward to the focus of our series for next term.

  • The Woman with the Issue of Blood
    • 22/9/24

    The Woman with the Issue of Blood

    Shane Willard — This week Shane Willard challenges us to consider how we engage our world. It is important that we never Jesus into an argument to win, rather a life of love to demonstrate.

  • Where Waiting Ends
    • 29/9/24

    Where Waiting Ends

    Matt Romano — In our Power and Presence service Matt explores the healing of the man at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5) and how it mirrors our search for wholeness in external solutions, but true and lasting healing—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—comes only through Jesus.

  • The Invitation
    • 6/10/24

    The Invitation

    Nartarsha Wisewould — In this week's Power and Presence service Nartarsha outlines how the Father is inviting us into a place of Breakthrough; in miracles, healings and encounters with His love.

  • Faith for Exiles - Introduction
    • 13/10/24

    Faith for Exiles - Introduction

    Sarah Hudson — Sarah starts this new series with an overview of the themes to be covered over the course of the next term.